Which of the following is the MOST deficient way lor the owner to install the application?

A small business owner wants to install newly purchased software on all networked PCs. The network is not configured as a domain, and the owner wants to use the easiest method possible.

Which of the following is the MOST deficient way lor the owner to install the application?

A. Use a network share to share the installation files.

B. Save software to an external hard drive to install.

C. Create an imaging USB for each PC.

D. Install the software from the vendor’s website

Answer: A


A. Use a network share to share the installation files – This is typically the most efficient way in a networked environment. All PCs can access the installation files from the network share and run the installation. This saves the time and effort of having to move physical media (like a USB drive) between machines, and it ensures that all PCs are using the same version of the installation files.

B. Save software to an external hard drive to install – While this can work, it’s less efficient because it involves physically moving the hard drive to each PC and potentially more time to copy files over, especially if the PCs don’t have USB 3.0 or faster ports.

C. Create an imaging USB for each PC – Creating a separate USB for each PC can be time-consuming, especially if there are many PCs. It also involves physically moving the USB drives to each PC, which can be less efficient than network sharing.

D. Install the software from the vendor’s website – While this could work, it could be less efficient because each PC would have to download the software individually, which could take longer and use more network bandwidth compared to sharing the installation files over a local network. It also relies on each PC having internet access and could result in different PCs getting slightly different versions of the software if the vendor updates it while the installations are in progress.

Therefore, the most efficient way to install the application is to use a network share to share the installation files.

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