What should you do?

You are setting up a Windows VM on Compute Engine and want to make sure you can log in to the VM via RDP.

What should you do?
A . After the VM has been created, use your Google Account credentials to log in into the VM.
B . After the VM has been created, use gcloud compute reset-windows-password to retrieve the login credentials for the VM.
C . When creating the VM, add metadata to the instance using ‘windows-password’ as the key and a password as the value.
D . After the VM has been created, download the JSON private key for the default Compute Engine service account. Use the credentials in the JSON file to log in to the VM.

Answer: B


You can generate Windows passwords using either the Google Cloud Console or the gcloud command-line tool. This option uses the right syntax to reset the windows password.

gcloud compute reset-windows-password windows-instance

Ref: https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/instances/windows/creating-passwords-for-windows-instances#gcloud

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