What should you do?

You have files in a Cloud Storage bucket that you need to share with your suppliers. You want to restrict the time that the files are available to your suppliers to 1 hour. You want to follow Google recommended practices.

What should you do?
A . Create a service account with just the permissions to access files in the bucket. Create a JSON key for the service account. Execute the command gsutil signurl -m 1h gs:///*.
B . Create a service account with just the permissions to access files in the bucket. Create a JSON key for the service account. Execute the command gsutil signurl -d 1h gs:///**.
C . Create a service account with just the permissions to access files in the bucket. Create a JSON key for the service account. Execute the command gsutil signurl -p 60m gs:///.
D . Create a JSON key for the Default Compute Engine Service Account. Execute the command gsutil signurl -t 60m gs:///***

Answer: B


This command correctly specifies the duration that the signed url should be valid for by using the -d flag. The default is 1 hour so omitting the -d flag would have also resulted in the same outcome. Times may be specified with no suffix (default hours), or with s = seconds, m = minutes, h = hours, d = days. The max duration allowed is 7d.Ref: https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/gsutil/commands/signurl

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