What might they do to address the problem?

A Product Owner is noticing that overall quality is starting to degrade. What might they do to address the problem?A . Allocate more capacity to Enablers B. Reinforce the definition of done C. Add a QA Iteration to address quality issuesView AnswerAnswer: B Explanation: Read more: https://www.scaledagileframework.com/built-in-quality/

May 24, 2023No CommentsREAD MORE +

What is the primary purpose of PO sync?

What is the primary purpose of PO sync?A . To assess progress of the Program Increment and adjust scope and priority as needed B. To build objectives for the Program Increment C. To align with the scrum of scrums participants on the status of the Program IncrementView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation:...

May 24, 2023No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which Agile Team event supports relentless improvement?

Which Agile Team event supports relentless improvement?A . Iteration Review B. Inspect and Adapt C. Iteration RetrospectiveView AnswerAnswer: C Explanation: Read more: https://www.scaledagileframework.com/iteration-retrospective/

May 24, 2023No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which statement best characterizes the perspectives of the definition of done (DoD)?

Which statement best characterizes the perspectives of the definition of done (DoD)?A . Product Owners focus on the Solution while Product Managers focus on the team increment B. Product Owners focus on the release while Product Managers focus on the team increment C. Product Owners focus on the Iteration while...

May 24, 2023No CommentsREAD MORE +

When tracking team progress, what can a Kanban board show the team?

When tracking team progress, what can a Kanban board show the team?A . Where the team has too much work-in-process (WIP) B. The accumulated value of the team's work C. A burndown chart of the work completed in the IterationView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation: Read more: https://www.scaledagileframework.com/team-kanban/

May 24, 2023No CommentsREAD MORE +

What is a benefit of Program Increment (PI) Objectives?

What is a benefit of Program Increment (PI) Objectives?A . To promote the creation of fixed plans that will deliver predictable revenue B. To promote Business Agility by giving teams options on how they might deliver Features C. To provide the proper allocation of capacityView AnswerAnswer: B Explanation: https://www.scaledagileframework.com/pi-objectives/

May 24, 2023No CommentsREAD MORE +

How might a Product Owner support a Continuous Delivery Pipeline that fully automates deployments with no manual compliance steps?

How might a Product Owner support a Continuous Delivery Pipeline that fully automates deployments with no manual compliance steps?A . Write Feature toggles to control which Stories are released B. Identify Stories that are cleared for automatic delivery during Iteration Planning C. Review and accept Stories as they are completedView...

May 24, 2023No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which action is part of the initial capacity planning process?

An organization is conducting their first Program Increment Planning session, and the new teams are asked to provide their capacity. Which action is part of the initial capacity planning process?A . Compare final team capacity across all teams and make individual team adjustments B. Subtract one point for every team...

May 24, 2023No CommentsREAD MORE +

When should Agile Teams make time for innovation?

When should Agile Teams make time for innovation?A . When there are Enabler Stories in the Backlog B. At a consistent time each day during the Iteration C. Continuously throughout the Program IncrementView AnswerAnswer: C Explanation: Read more: https://www.scaledagileframework.com/agile-teams/

May 23, 2023No CommentsREAD MORE +

What should she do?

The team is struggling to agree on the Story point sizing of a new User Story. The Product Owner was previously a related domain expert and feels the team is wasting time. What should she do?A . Instruct the Scrum Master to resize the Story B. Suggest the team stop...

May 23, 2023No CommentsREAD MORE +