Which two steps must an administrator take in order to deploy an instance of Azure VMware Solutions? (Choose two.)

Which two steps must an administrator take in order to deploy an instance of Azure VMware Solutions? (Choose two.)
A . Create a support request with Microsoft Azure Support to create a host quota.
B . Deploy and configure Microsoft Enterprise Edge (MSEE) appliances.
C . Create a support request with VMware Support to create a private cloud.
D . Associate the subscription with a Microsoft Enterprise Agreement.
E . Deploy and Configure Microsoft Azure ExpressRoute.

Answer: AD


According to the VMware Cloud Professional Administration guide, to deploy an instance of Azure VMware Solutions, an administrator must first create a support request with VMware Support to create a private cloud. This will enable the administrator to access the Azure VMware Solutions environment.

The guide also states that an administrator must associate the subscription with a Microsoft Enterprise Agreement in order to use Azure VMware Solutions. This will ensure that the administrator has the necessary permissions and access to the environment in order to configure and manage it.

Search results: [1] VMware Cloud Professional is a cloud service that provides a secure, reliable, and cost-effective way to deliver cloud-based solutions for organizations. [2] This guide provides step-by-step instructions to deploy and configure Microsoft Azure VMware Solutions [1], a cloud-based solution that enables organizations to run VMware workloads in the public cloud. [3] To deploy an Azure VMware Solution instance, the customer must have an active Microsoft Enterprise Agreement (EA) and a valid subscription associated with it. [4] The customer must also create a support request with VMware support to create a private cloud. This will enable the customer to access the Azure VMware Solutions environment. [5] Once the customer has created a support request and associated their


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