How can the administrator collect this support bundle for the Tanzu Kubernetes cluster?

An administrator is tasked with collecting a support bundle from a Tanzu Kubernetes cluster for a support case.

How can the administrator collect this support bundle for the Tanzu Kubernetes cluster?
A . Run the -tkc-support-bundler command.
B . Run the kubact1 logs my-pod command
C . Run a compression tool of the log files located in /var/log/vmware/wcp/.
D . Run the vm-support command.

Answer: A


Tanzu Kubernetes Grid (TKG) provides a command line tool called tkg-support-bundler which can be used to collect the necessary information and logs for troubleshooting and support cases. The command can be run on the TKG CLI and it will gather all the necessary information and logs from the TKG control plane and worker nodes, and package them into a single compressed bundle file. This bundle file can then be provided to VMware support for further analysis.

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