Which two configurations, when applied together, support this requirement?

University admission application cases automatically advance in the case life cycle if the applicant’s standardized test scores are above a certain threshold. The threshold is determined each year based on the provided national average score.

Which two configurations, when applied together, support this requirement? (Choose Two)
A . Configure a process with a decision shape that continues if the TestThreshold Configuration setting is less than the applicant’s test score.
B . Configure a TestThreshold Configuration setting with the national average for the test score threshold.
C . Configure a TestThreshold Configuration setting that calculates the national average for the test score threshold.
D . Configure a process with a decision shape that continues if the TestThreshold Configuration setting is greater than the applicant’s test score.

Answer: A, B


A: Configuring a process with a decision shape that continues if the TestThreshold Configuration setting is less than the applicant’s test score supports the requirement for automatic case advancement based on standardized test scores.

B: Configuring a TestThreshold Configuration setting with the national average for the test score threshold allows for the necessary comparison to determine if a case should advance automatically.

Reference: Pega official documentation on decision shapes and configuration settings.

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