Which ACD routing method routes interaction to the next available agent?

Which ACD routing method routes interaction to the next available agent?
A . Bullseye ACD
B . Standard ACD
C . Skills based routing
D . All of the above

Answer: B


Reference: https://help.mypurecloud.com/articles/acd-evaluation-routing-methods/

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10 months ago

Explanation: Routing methods

Genesys Cloud ACD uses a queue’s routing method to determine how to match interactions and agents. The routing method determines which routing behavior to use. Skills-based routing methods also use the evaluation method to determine how Genesys Cloud processes skill requests for interactions.
The routing methods Standard ACD: Routes interactions to the next available agent. Considers skills as specified by the evaluation method.

Reference: https://help.mypurecloud.com/articles/acd-evaluation-routing-methods/