When the PIT P switch is enabled globally or in the VLAN service template of the OLT, the service virtual port is allowed to carry upstream packets, the Vendor tag is switched, and the user upstream packets carry Vendor tarf information, which of the following about the OLT processing strategy of PITP message is correct?

When the PIT P switch is enabled globally or in the VLAN service template of the OLT, the service virtual port is allowed to carry upstream packets, the Vendor tag is switched, and the user upstream packets carry Vendor tarf information, which of the following about the OLT processing strategy of PITP message is correct?
A . The OLT adds a local Vendor tap to the upstream PITP message
B. The OLT directly forwards the user-side PITP message without any processing
C. The OLT leaves the Vendor tag carried in the uplink PITP message, plus the local Vendor tag
D. OLT discards uplink PITP packets

Answer: C

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