What step can the system administrator take to check what is happening in the environment?

Imagine a single server environment that has all services running. At some point users report that applications are very slow, all of them. The system administrator works remotely on support and realizes that there is actually a problem occurring.

Due to performance issues, the system administrator has difficulties accessing the QMC. Additionally you receive an email stating that the server’s memory ram has reached its limit.

What step can the system administrator take to check what is happening in the environment?
A . Access https://<server.domain.com>/qmc/audit
B. Send a request via API at https://<server.domain.com>/engine/healthcheck
C. Send a request via API at http://<server.domain.com>/engine/performancecheck
D. Inspect logs in %ProgramData%QlikSenseLogEngine

Answer: D


I believe it is important to comment on each response. http://<server.domain.com>/engine/performancecheck. This address doesn’t exist! http://<server.domain.com>/engine/healthcheck returns content in JSON that can be queried and handled via some API. It is a super useful feature that demonstrates open applications, active users, available memory, but will bring to the system administrator what he already knows: memory is high consumption. You still need to understand why this happened. https://<server.domain.com>/qmc/audit leads to the audit page for verification of application accesses, users, streams, and so on.

%ProgramData%QlikSenseLogEngine. This folder can Answer questions of what is happening. By default it stores all events considered a "WARNING" which is when there is something severe going on. If by chance a developer has released a very heavy expression or an application is in trouble, this log may be the Answer you are looking for for that moment. Then, after unburdening the server, pay special attention to what is described there, as it will require a deeper investigation of the problem. You can learn more here.

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