
What is your approach?

You are leading projects in an IT services company. Your customer’s project requires analyzing im-ages. They have many 10s of 1000s of raw images that they have made available to you. Your small technology team needs to build a machine learning model. The images are unlabeled. You don’t have the people or the capacity to label the images.

What is your approach?
A . Look for open-source labeled images that closely resemble the given images.
B. Request data labeling service from Google.
C. Tell the customer it is their duty to label the images.
D. Hire temporary workers who can quickly label the images.

Answer: C


Google’s Data Labeling Service lets you work with human labelers to generate highly accurate labels for a collection of data that you can use in machine learning models.


-> https://cloud.google.com/vertex-ai/docs/datasets/data-labeling-job -> https://cloud.google.com/ai-platform/data-labeling/docs

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