Why would SaaS be the right choice of service model?

Each of the three cloud service models - infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and software as a service (SaaS) - offers benefits between flexibility and levels of management by the cloud provider and the customer. Why would SaaS be the right choice of service model?A...

December 5, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of these databases can the analysts use without additional training?

A prospect wants to be able to store and analyze data. Their analysts already know SQL, but are not familiar with other technologies. Which of these databases can the analysts use without additional training?A . Cloud SQL, BigQuery, DatastoreB . Spanner, Cloud SQL, BigQueryC . Cloud SQL, Firestore, DatastoreD ....

December 4, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

What may have prompted this business decision?

A video game organization has invested in cloud technology to generate insights from user behaviors. They want to ensure recommendations of games are aligned to players' interests. What may have prompted this business decision?A . Customers expect faster time to market for games.B . Employees expect source code changes to...

December 4, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

Which Google Cloud service or feature lets you build machine learning models using Standard SQL and data in a data warehouse?

Which Google Cloud service or feature lets you build machine learning models using Standard SQL and data in a data warehouse?A . BigQuery MLB . TensorFlowC . AutoML TablesD . Cloud Bigtable MLView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation: BigQuery ML lets you create and execute machine learning models in BigQuery using standard...

December 4, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

Which Google Cloud product or feature should your organization use?

Your organization runs all its workloads on Compute Engine virtual machine instances. Your organization has a security requirement: the virtual machines are not allowed to access the public internet. The workloads running on those virtual machines need to access BigQuery and Cloud Storage, using their publicly accessible interfaces, without violating...

December 4, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

Which Google Cloud product or feature should your organization use?

Your organization is building an application running in Google Cloud. Currently, software builds, tests, and regular deployments are done manually, but you want to reduce work for the team. Your organization wants to use Google Cloud managed solutions to automate your build, testing, and deployment process. Which Google Cloud product...

December 4, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

What is the most effective and efficient way to satisfy this requirement?

Your organization needs to restrict access to a Cloud Storage bucket. Only employees who are based in Canada should be allowed to view the contents. What is the most effective and efficient way to satisfy this requirement?A . Deploy the Cloud Storage bucket to a Google Cloud region in CanadaB...

December 4, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following NIST Cloud characteristics uses the business model of shared re-sources in a cloud environment?

Which of the following NIST Cloud characteristics uses the business model of shared re-sources in a cloud environment?A . ElasticityB . AvailabilityC . Broad Network AccessD . Multi-TenancyView AnswerAnswer: D Explanation: In cloud computing, multitenancy means that multiple customers of a cloud vendor are using the same computing resources. Even...

December 4, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of these would be good recommendations?

A company with its own private data center has called you in for help with their disaster recovery planning. News of multiple ransomware attacks has made them very anxious. They want to make they are well prepared for such an eventuality. Which of these would be good recommendations?A . It...

December 3, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following is/are true about Anthos?

Which of the following is/are true about Anthos?A . Enterprise-grade container orchestration and management service.B . Modernizing your security for hybrid and multi-cloud deploymentsC . Fully managed service mesh with built-in visibilityD . All of the AboveView AnswerAnswer: D Explanation: Anthos: Anthos unifies the management of infrastructure and applications across...

December 3, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +