What is the purpose of the CyberArk Event Notification Engine service.

What is the purpose of the CyberArk Event Notification Engine service.
A . It sends email messages from the CPM
B . It sends email messages from the Vault.
C . It processes audit report messages
D . It makes vault data available to components.

Answer: B

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1 year ago

The Event Notification Engine (ENE) sends email notifications about Privileged Access Security solution activities automatically to predefined users. It is installed automatically as part of the Vault server installation as a service.

Access CyberArk docs: https://docs.cyberark.com/Product-Doc/OnlineHelp/PAS/11.3/en/Content/PASIMP/Event-Notification-Engine.htm#:~:text=The%20Event%20Notification%20Engine%20(ENE,server%20installation%20as%20a%20service.