What is the correct command to observe the Sync traffic in a VRRP environment?

What is the correct command to observe the Sync traffic in a VRRP environment?
A . fw monitor Ce “accept[12:4,b]=;”
B . fw monitor Ce “accept port(6118;”
C . fw monitor Ce “accept proto=mcVRRP;”
D . fw monitor Ce “accept dst=;”

Answer: D


The correct command to observe the Sync traffic in a VRRP environment is fw monitor Ce “accept dst=;”. This command captures the packets that have the destination IP address of, which is the multicast address used by VRRP for synchronization. The other commands are either not valid or not specific to VRRP Sync traffic.

Reference: [Check Point R81 ClusterXL Administration Guide], Check Point R81 Performance Tuning Administration Guide

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