What is a benefit of using the HP Network Visualizer SDN application for capturing traffic on HP ProVision switches?

What is a benefit of using the HP Network Visualizer SDN application for capturing traffic on HP ProVision switches?
A . This application can correlate captured traffic with user information based on information synced with Microsoft Active Directory.
B . This application can configure mirroring on switches that do not support OpenFlow using traditional methods, eliminating the needs for upgrades.
C . This application can forward the captured traffic to HP DVLabs for deeper inspection as to whether the traffic poses a threat to the network.
D . This application can integrate with VMware vCenter, which uses the captured traffic to determine the correct policies to deploy to virtual hosts.

Answer: A


Network Visualizer supports integration with Microsoft Active Directory using LDAP protocol to obtain user groups which translates in user identity integration. Because of the detailed information and correlated data available to SDN, network administrators can determine the traffic that needs to be captured by filtering per user, user-group, device types, location, application, state of network, and time.

References: Being innovative with HP SDN Network Visualizer application, page 3 https://www.hpe.com/h20195/v2/GetPDF.aspx/4AA6-3816ENW.pdf

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