
What Google Cloud product or feature should your organization use?

Your organization wants to run a container-based application on Google Cloud. This application is expected to increase in complexity. You have a security need for fine-grained control of traffic between the containers. You also have an operational need to exercise fine-grained control over the application’s scaling policies.

What Google Cloud product or feature should your organization use?
A . Google Kubernetes Engine cluster
B . App Engine
C . Cloud Run
D . Compute Engine virtual machines

Answer: A


Google Kubernetes Engine GKE seems a better fit since the requirement is for "security need for fine-grained control of traffic between the containers" and "fine-grained control over scaling policies". Such level of control is easier on GKE that Cloud Run.

Reference link: https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/containers-kubernetes/when-to-use-google-kubernetes-engine-vs-cloud-run-for-containers

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