To make sure service repshaveaccess toallrelevant information to attendtocustomerrequests, which two detailsshouldasalesforce Architectsconsider?

UniversalContainers(UC)servicerepsareassignedtoaprofilewhichhas“ViewAll”inCase object(Private OWD).

To make sure service repshaveaccess toallrelevant information to attendtocustomerrequests, which two detailsshouldasalesforce Architectsconsider? Choose 2answers:
A . Service reps will be able to access all UC contact records if they are controlled by parent.
B. Service reps will notbe able to access all UC contact records if they are controlled by parent.
C. Service reps will beable toaccessall the UC Accountrecordsdue to Implicit Sharing.
D. Service reps will notbeable toaccessallthe UC Accountsrecordsbecause Account OWD is private.

Answer: B,D

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