Please Answer Questions Follow The Prompts Below

Exhibit: A . remembered when she is goneB . held by the handC . permitted to plan her own lifeD . allowed to practice her religionE . free of darkness and corruptionView AnswerAnswer: A

January 5, 2021No CommentsREAD MORE +

Later in the story, Rip wakes up from a twenty-year nap and returns to the village. On the basis of the information in this excerpt, what will probably be his greatest hope?

-- ExhibitC -- Exhibit -­ Later in the story, Rip wakes up from a twenty-year nap and returns to the village. On the basis of the information in this excerpt, what will probably be his greatest hope?A . His wife will be waiting for him to return.B . He will...

January 5, 2021No CommentsREAD MORE +

Based on Vera’s reaction to Maggie and what the reader can guess about Maggie from her last words in this excerpt, what isMaggie’s goal?

-- ExhibitC Based on Vera’s reaction to Maggie and what the reader can guess about Maggie from her last words in this excerpt, what isMaggie’s goal?A . to move awayB . to marry HaldarC . to become a fishermanD . to develop new job skillsE . to build a new...

January 5, 2021No CommentsREAD MORE +

Where are the fish the speaker is describing?

Exhibit: Where are the fish the speaker is describing?A . in a tankB . on a farmC . in the oceanD . in a friend’s homeE . on a fisherman’s hookView AnswerAnswer: A

January 5, 2021No CommentsREAD MORE +

How does this picture of Ray fit with the picture of him revealed in this excerpt?

-- ExhibitC Earlier in the story, Ray is driving a herd of cattle when a blizzard hits. He continues with the cattle drive, making decisions to protect the animals. How does this picture of Ray fit with the picture of him revealed in this excerpt?A . relies on others to...

January 5, 2021No CommentsREAD MORE +

What is revealed about the quality of the speaker’s love when she says, “Better by far that you should forget and smile / Than that you should remember and be sad” (lines 13C14)?

Exhibit: What is revealed about the quality of the speaker’s love when she says, “Better by far that you should forget and smile / Than that you should remember and be sad” (lines 13C14)?A . greedyB . unselfishC . demandingD . stingyE . overpoweringView AnswerAnswer: B

January 4, 2021No CommentsREAD MORE +

In lines 20C25 Ichabod appears very anxious about his appearance. Who is he trying to impress?

-- ExhibitC In lines 20C25 Ichabod appears very anxious about his appearance. Who is he trying to impress?A . his studentsB . his employerC . his friendsD . his students’ parentsE . his lady friendView AnswerAnswer: E

January 4, 2021No CommentsREAD MORE +

Based on this statement, what might the reader conclude about Fred Ingram’s beliefs about rearing children?

-- ExhibitC -- Exhibit -­ Fred Ingram states in his letter that his role in his children’s lives “is not as important as it could or should be” (line 22). Based on this statement, what might the reader conclude about Fred Ingram’s beliefs about rearing children?A . fathers should be...

January 4, 2021No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which statement reveals the encouraging tone the Human Resources Manager wants to convey?

Which statement reveals the encouraging tone the Human Resources Manager wants to convey? A . "We have been trying, with little success, to hire a number of new people" (line 6)B . "Unfortunately, other companies in our area are trying to do the same thing" (line 7)C . "having a...

January 4, 2021No CommentsREAD MORE +

If the author were to rewrite this excerpt for television, his writing would be most suited to what kind of TV show?

-- ExhibitC -- Exhibit -­ If the author were to rewrite this excerpt for television, his writing would be most suited to what kind of TV show?A . game showB . sports eventC . situation comedyD . documentaryE . mystery seriesView AnswerAnswer: D

January 4, 2021No CommentsREAD MORE +