Select all the roles that are automatically assigned by default to the user who sets up the organization. (Choose two.)

Select all the roles that are automatically assigned by default to the user who sets up the organization. (Choose two.)
A . Employee
B . Master Admin
C . Genesys Cloud User
D . Admin
E . Telephony Admin

Answer: A,D



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10 months ago

Explanation: Each role in Genesys Cloud contains one or more permissions. The permissions allow users with that role to do various tasks, such as create groups, set up integrations, and supervise contact center activity.
The Employee role in Genesys Cloud has the lowest level of permissions and is automatically assigned to all users when they are added to an organization. This role cannot be removed from an organization. To grant additional permissions, an administrator must assign additional roles to the user.
The admin role has permission to make any changes to a Genesys Cloud organization. This role is automatically assigned to whoever sets up the organization. This person is responsible for inviting others to a Genesys Cloud organization and for assigning roles to invitees.
