Which three of the following are code quality metrics?

Which three of the following are code quality metrics?A . Unit tests per class B. Cycle time per product backlog item C. Number of check-ins per day D. Depth of inheritance E. Cyclomatic complexity F. Class couplingView AnswerAnswer: D,E,F Explanation: Number of checkins per day says something about whether the...

November 10, 2022No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which are topics of the sprint planning? Choose all that apply.

Which are topics of the sprint planning? Choose all that apply.A . Why is this sprint valuable? B. When is this sprint going to be done? C. How to improve the scrum process in this sprint? D. How will the selected work get done? E. What can be done in...

November 10, 2022No CommentsREAD MORE +

Scrum demands code review

Scrum demands code reviewA . True B. FalseView AnswerAnswer: B Explanation: There are no concrete development guidelines demanded by scrum, even though code review is an excellent idea. Scrum is also not only about developing software.

November 9, 2022No CommentsREAD MORE +

How much time will there be after a sprint before the next one starts?

How much time will there be after a sprint before the next one starts?A . Enough to deploy the increment and update the product backlog based on the outcome of the sprint review B. Enough to clean up lingering definition of done points C. None, a new sprint starts immediately...

November 8, 2022No CommentsREAD MORE +

Is it a good idea to follow each automated build with the execution of automated tests?

Is it a good idea to follow each automated build with the execution of automated tests?A . Yes, it will show code coverage which is an excellent metric of quality and progress B. No, it takes too much time C. No, the outcomes might disturb the developers’ focus D. Yes,...

November 8, 2022No CommentsREAD MORE +

What are two reasons to use mock objects in unit tests?

What are two reasons to use mock objects in unit tests?A . The behavior of a given object can be emulated to the system under test B. They are machine-generated and eliminate the need to write code by hand C. To increase tight coupling D. TDD is impossible without them...

November 7, 2022No CommentsREAD MORE +

The three pillars of empirical process control are:

The three pillars of empirical process control are:A . transparency B. planning C. inspection D. respect E. commitment F. adaptationView AnswerAnswer: A,C,F Explanation: If you are not sure, please review the Scrum theory section in the scrum guide

November 7, 2022No CommentsREAD MORE +

Upon what type of process control is scrum based?

Upon what type of process control is scrum based?A . Deductive B. Hybrid C. Empirical D. TechnicalView AnswerAnswer: C Explanation: If you are not sure, please review the Scrum theory section in the scrum guide

November 7, 2022No CommentsREAD MORE +

Only technical writers can create documentation during a sprint

Only technical writers can create documentation during a sprintA . False B. TrueView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation: Work that's part of the sprint is done by the developers, scrum doesn't have specific roles

November 6, 2022No CommentsREAD MORE +

Choose three reasons why automated builds are important.

Choose three reasons why automated builds are important.A . They support Continuous Integration B. The eliminate the need for build engineers C. They ensure your product remains bug free D. They clearly define the build process E. They allow frequent validation and ensure the product remains in a potentially releasable...

November 6, 2022No CommentsREAD MORE +