How should HipLocal redesign their architecture to ensure that the application scales to support a large increase in users?

For this question, refer to the HipLocal case study.

How should HipLocal redesign their architecture to ensure that the application scales to support a large increase in users?
A . Use Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) to run the application as a microservice. Run the MySQL database on a dedicated GKE node.
B . Use multiple Compute Engine instances to run MySQL to store state information. Use a Google Cloud-managed load balancer to distribute the load between instances. Use managed instance groups for scaling.
C . Use Memorystore to store session information and CloudSQL to store state information. Use a Google Cloud-managed load balancer to distribute the load between instances. Use managed instance groups for scaling.
D . Use a Cloud Storage bucket to serve the application as a static website, and use another Cloud Storage bucket to store user state information.

Answer: D

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