Which substance(s) is/are considered iron storage compounds?

Ferritin and hemosiderin are considered storage forms of iron. Which substance(s) is/are considered iron storage compounds?A . hemosiderin B. ferritin C. hemoglobin D. myoglobinView AnswerAnswer: A,B

January 1, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

A thick peptidoglycan is MOST often associated with which of the following types of bacteria?

Gram-positive bacteria retain the primary crystal violet stain that is applied in the Gram stain because of the cross-linking of the thick peptidoglycan layer in their cell walls. Their cell walls contain less lipids than that of a gram-negative bacteria, and this reduces the permeability of their cell wall to...

January 1, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

A hapten is an incomplete antigen.

A hapten is an incomplete antigen. All of the following cellular antigens are important to an immunohematologist except:A . Blood group antigens B. Histocompatibility antigens C. Haptens D. AutoantigensView AnswerAnswer: C

January 1, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

What is the best conclusion?

The blood glucose value is critical; negative ketones is consistent with type 2 diabetes. An elderly type 2 diabetic patient is at risk for hyperosmolar non-ketotic coma and osmolality should be measured. A measurement of urine glucose would not be useful at this point. A 70-year-old type 2 diabetic patient...

January 1, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

Select area to examine, WBC estimate

Select area to examine, WBC estimateA . 40X (Dry) B. 10X C. 100X (Oil)View AnswerAnswer: A,B,C

January 1, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

The recommended disinfectant for blood and body fluid contamination is:

The recommended disinfectant for blood and body fluid contamination is:A . sodium hydroxide. B. antimicrobial soap. C. hydrogen peroxide. D. sodium hypochlorite.View AnswerAnswer: D

January 1, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

One of the key characteristics to the identification of Nocardia asteroides is its inability to hydrolyze casein, tyrosine or xanthine, as shown in this photograph. Nitrates are reduced to nitrites. Both Nocardia brasiliensis and Actinomadura madurae hydrolyze both casein and tyrosine; Streptomyces griseus hydrolyzes all three of the substrates.

One of the key characteristics to the identification of Nocardia asteroides is its inability to hydrolyze casein, tyrosine or xanthine, as shown in this photograph. Nitrates are reduced to nitrites. Both Nocardia brasiliensis and Actinomadura madurae hydrolyze both casein and tyrosine; Streptomyces griseus hydrolyzes all three of the substrates. Illustrated...

January 1, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following is most likely to interact with arterial walls, leading to deposition of cholesterol, and initiating or worsening atherosclerosis?

Small, dense LDL is most likely to interact with arterial walls, leading to deposition of cholesterol, and initiating or worsening atherosclerosis. Small, dense LDL is associated with more than a three-fold increase in the risk of coronary heart disease. Large, buoyant LDL is less atherogenic than small, dense LDL. The...

December 31, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

Dce is found in 4% of whites and 44% of blacks.

Dce is found in 4% of whites and 44% of blacks. DCe is found in 42% of whites and 17% of blacks. DcE is found in 14% of whites and 11% of blacks. dce is found in 37% of whites and 26% of blacks. Blood bank The most common Rh...

December 31, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

Which one of the following adipocyte products is an important messenger in metabolism, signaling the hypothalamus that there are changes in fat stores?

Leptin signals the hypothalamus that there are changes in fat stores. Resistin increases insulin resistance and enhances adhesion molecules present on endothelial cells. IL-6 responds to tissue injury. IL-6 increases insulin resistance by inhibiting insulin receptor signal transduction in liver cells. It also increases other inflammatory cytokines, interleukin-1 (IL-1) and...

December 31, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +