What would you select from the Performance menu to view real-time statistics for all active campaigns?

What would you select from the Performance menu to view real-time statistics for all active campaigns?
A . Scripts
B . Campaign Management
C . Outbound Campaigns
D . Schedules

Answer: C


Reference: https://help.mypurecloud.com/articles/outbound-campaign-details-view/

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9 months ago

Correct Answer: C
To see statistics and other details for a specific active campaign, click Performance > Outbound Campaigns and select a campaign on the Campaigns dashboard page. The view shows campaign statistics, wrap-up call details for the last 24 hours or a different configurable time frame, live or historical interactions, and scheduled interactions for that campaign.
In the Campaigns Performance Detail view, see current and past activity and statistics for a specific campaign or a group of campaigns.

Reference: https://help.mypurecloud.com/articles/outbound-campaign-details-view/

Campaigns dashboard: https://help.mypurecloud.com/articles/campaigns-dashboard-page/