What parsing methodology is utilized by the SimpleXML extension?

What parsing methodology is utilized by the SimpleXML extension?A . SAXB . DOMC . XPathD . Push/Pull ApproachE . ExpatView AnswerAnswer: B

January 8, 2019No CommentsREAD MORE +

What is the name of the PHP function used to automatically load non-yet defined classes?

What is the name of the PHP function used to automatically load non-yet defined classes?A . autoload()B . _autoload()C . _catch()D . load()E . loadClass()View AnswerAnswer: B

January 8, 2019No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which PHP configuration directive can be disabled to prevent this?

One common security risk is exposing error messages directly in the browser. Which PHP configuration directive can be disabled to prevent this?A . html_displayB . error_reportingC . display_errorsD . error _logE . ignore_repeated_errorsView AnswerAnswer: C

December 31, 2018No CommentsREAD MORE +

Transactions are used to ...

Transactions are used to ...A . guarantee high performanceB . secure data consistencyC . secure access to the databaseD . reduce the database server overheadE . reduce code size in PHPView AnswerAnswer: B

December 30, 2018No CommentsREAD MORE +

When a query that is supposed to affect rows is executed as part of a transaction, and reports no affected rows, it could mean that: (Choose 2)

When a query that is supposed to affect rows is executed as part of a transaction, and reports no affected rows, it could mean that: (Choose 2)A . The transaction failedB . The transaction affected no linesC . The transaction was rolled backD . The transaction was committed without errorView...

December 30, 2018No CommentsREAD MORE +

What is the output of the following code?

What is the output of the following code? function increment ($val) { ++$val; $val= 1; increment ($val); echo $val;View AnswerAnswer: 1

December 29, 2018No CommentsREAD MORE +

Assuming UTF-8 encoding, what is the value of $count?

Assuming UTF-8 encoding, what is the value of $count? A . 0B . 4C . 5D . 7View AnswerAnswer: C

December 26, 2018No CommentsREAD MORE +

What content-type is required when sending an HTTP POST using JavaScript to ensure that PHP can access the data?

What content-type is required when sending an HTTP POST using JavaScript to ensure that PHP can access the data?A . application/x-www-form-urlencodedB . http/postC . text/htmlD . object/multipart-formdataView AnswerAnswer: A

December 22, 2018No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which of the following code snippets is correct? (Choose 2)

Which of the following code snippets is correct? (Choose 2)A . interface Drawable { abstract function draw(); }B . interface Point { function getX(); function getY(); }C . interface Line extends Point { function getX2(); function getY2(); }D . interface Circle implements Point { function getRadius(); }View AnswerAnswer: B, C

December 21, 2018No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which SPL class implements fixed-size storage?

Which SPL class implements fixed-size storage?View AnswerAnswer: SplfixedArray

December 19, 2018No CommentsREAD MORE +