Which two actions should the vSAN administrator perform on the staging cluster prior to moving the vSAN nodes to the production cluster?

A vSAN administrator has two identical VMware vSAN clusters, one for staging workloads and another for production workloads. Due to an unforeseen capacity requirement, the vSAN administrator is tasked with merging the staging vSAN cluster into the production.

Which two actions should the vSAN administrator perform on the staging cluster prior to moving the vSAN nodes to the production cluster? (Choose two.)
A . Remove all capacity drives.
B. Delete all Disk Groups.
C. Enable File Services.
D. Disable vSAN Services.
E. Mark the disks for partial reservation.

Answer: B,D


The two actions that the vSAN administrator should perform on the staging cluster prior to moving the vSAN nodes to the production cluster are to disable vSAN Services and delete all Disk Groups. According to VMware’s Official Guide, "before removing the nodes from the source cluster and adding them to the destination cluster, you must disable vSAN services on the source cluster". Additionally, "before merging clusters together, you must delete all disk groups in the source cluster". This will ensure that the nodes can be successfully moved to the production cluster without any errors or conflicts.

Performance Troubleshooting – Understanding the Different Levels … https://blogs.vmware.com/virtualblocks/2019/06/12/vsan-performance-metric-levels/

vSAN Operations Guide | VMware https://core.vmware.com/resource/vsan-operations-guideAdministering VMware vSAN – VMware vSphere 7.0 https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-vSphere/7.0/vsan-703-administration-guide.pdf

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