Which three components are required to deploy a stretched cluster in a VMware Cloud Foundation environment? (Choose three.)

Which three components are required to deploy a stretched cluster in a VMware Cloud Foundation environment? (Choose three.)
A . vSAN, host overlay and vMotion network stretched across both sites
B . DHCP on the NSX Edge overlay network
C . DHCP on the host overlay network
D . One witness host per site
E . One witness host per vSAN stretched cluster
F . vSAN: host overlay and vMotion network per data site

Answer: A E F


To deploy a stretched cluster in a VMware Cloud Foundation environment, the following components are required:

vSAN, host overlay, and vMotion network stretched across both sites: This is necessary to enable data and vMotion traffic between the two sites, ensuring that the stretched cluster can function properly.

One witness host per vSAN stretched cluster: The witness host acts as a tiebreaker and provides quorum for the vSAN stretched cluster. It is typically deployed at a third location to avoid split-brain scenarios.

vSAN: host overlay and vMotion network per data site: Each data site requires its own host overlay and vMotion network to ensure proper communication and functionality within the stretched cluster.

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