Which statement is true about the hr endpoint?


Which statement is true about the hr endpoint?
A . The endpoint is a rogue device
B . The endpoint is disabled
C . The endpoint is unauthenticated
D . The endpoint has been marked at risk

Answer: D


Based on the exhibit showing the status of the hr endpoint, the true statement about this endpoint is:

D) The endpoint has been marked at risk: The "w" next to the host status for the ‘hr’ endpoint typically denotes a warning, indicating that the system has marked it as at risk due to some security policy violations or other concerns that need to be addressed.

The other options do not align with the provided symbol "w" in the context of FortiNAC:

A) The endpoint is a rogue device: If the endpoint were rogue, we might expect a different symbol, often indicating a critical status or alarm.

B) The endpoint is disabled: A disabled status is typically indicated by a different icon or status indicator.

C) The endpoint is unauthenticated: An unauthenticated status would also be represented by a different symbol or status indication, not a "w".

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