Which of the following options is a valid usage of the Trigger Event node (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1R2cEa-XAB6XyZSbdHVbD8tVY_4E_h4ge/view?usp=sharing)?

Which of the following options is a valid usage of the Trigger Event node (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1R2cEa-XAB6XyZSbdHVbD8tVY_4E_h4ge/view?usp=sharing)?
A . The Trigger Event allows a Block to notify its parent (Screen or Block) that something relevant occurred in the scope of the Block.
B. The Trigger Event allows a Screen to notify its children (Blocks) that something relevant occurred in the scope of the Screen.
C. The Trigger Event allows a Block to notify its children (other Blocks) that something relevant occurred in the scope of the Block.
D. The Trigger Event allows a Screen to notify its parent (Screen or Block) that something relevant occurred in the scope of the Screen.

Answer: A

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