Which of the following Open SQL statements are syntactically correct in release 7.50? There are 3 correct answers to this question.

Which of the following Open SQL statements are syntactically correct in release 7.50? There are 3 correct answers to this question.
A . SELECT FROM sbook . FIELDS carrid, connid, loccuram, loccurkey . INTO TABLE @lt_booking . WHERE customid = @lv_customer.
B . SELECT carrid, connid, loccuram, loccurkey . FROM sbook .INTO TABLE @lt_booking .
WHERE customid = @lv_customer.

C . SELECT carrid connid loccuram loccurkey. FROM sbook. INTOTABLE lt_booking .
WHERE customid = lv_customer.

D . SELECT carrid connid loccuram loccurkey . FROM sbook . WHERE customid = lv_customer. INTOTABLE lt_booking.
E . SELECT FROM sbook. FIELDS carrid, connid, loccuram, loccurkey . WHERE customid =@lv_customer. INTOTABLE @lt_booking.

Answer: B,C,E

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