Which of the following is wrong in the description of communication between VMs in a DVS distributed virtual switch environment in server virtualization?

Which of the following is wrong in the description of communication between VMs in a DVS distributed virtual switch environment in server virtualization?
A . VMs in the same port group, if they are on different hosts, can reach DVS on the destination host through the uplink of DVS and finally complete communication with the remote VM
B . VMs in different port groups (belonging to different VLANs) need to go through the uplink of the DVS to the physical switch, through which the VLAN is implemented Communications
C . VMs in the same port group, if they are in the same host, can communicate directly via DVS
D . VMs that are in different DVSs but belong to the same VLAN port group can communicate directly over DVS

Answer: D


Resolution: VMs that are in different DVSs but belong to the same VLAN port group cannot communicate directly with the DVS

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