Which of the following is TRUE about Transformer Stage when $APT_TRANSFORM_COMPILE_OLD_NULL_HANDLING is set?

Which of the following is TRUE about Transformer Stage when $APT_TRANSFORM_COMPILE_OLD_NULL_HANDLING is set?
A . A Modify Operator is inserted at run time before a Transformer stage to handle null values
B . If an input column that is used in the derivation expression of an output column contains a null value, then the resulting output column contains a null.
C . If an input column that is used in the derivation expression of an output column contains a null value, then that row will be dropped or, if a reject link had been defined, rejected
D . If an input column that is used in the derivation expression of an output column contains a null value, then the resulting output column will be calculated ignoring the Null value.

Answer: C

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