Which of the following changes can the data analyst make to reduce the start-up time for the endpoint while managing costs?

A data analyst has set up a SQL query to run every four hours on a SQL endpoint, but the SQL endpoint is taking too long to start up with each run.

Which of the following changes can the data analyst make to reduce the start-up time for the endpoint while managing costs?
A . Reduce the SQL endpoint cluster size
B . Increase the SQL endpoint cluster size
C . Turn off the Auto stop feature
D . Increase the minimum scaling value
E . Use a Serverless SQL endpoint

Answer: E


A Serverless SQL endpoint is a type of SQL endpoint that does not require a dedicated cluster to run queries. Instead, it uses a shared pool of resources that can scale up and down automatically based on the demand. This means that a Serverless SQL endpoint can start up much faster than a SQL endpoint that uses a cluster, and it can also save costs by only paying for the resources that are used. A Serverless SQL endpoint is suitable for ad-hoc queries and exploratory analysis, but it may not offer the same level of performance and isolation as a SQL endpoint that uses a cluster. Therefore, a data analyst should consider the trade-offs between speed, cost, and quality when choosing between a Serverless SQL endpoint and a SQL endpoint that uses a cluster.

Reference: Databricks SQL endpoints, Serverless SQL endpoints, SQL endpoint clusters

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