Which important factor should you share with them?

Your customer would like to adopt a pay-per-use consumption model with GreenLake for Private Cloud Enterprise.

Which important factor should you share with them?
A . PCE bare metal servers are not included in pay-per-use billing
B . PCE is pay-per-use but must be serviced by an HPE Partner.
C . Their pay-per-use billing includes a minimun reserve.
D . They can select any pay-per-use unit of measure they prefer

Answer: C


Cuando un cliente adopta un modelo de consumo de pago por uso (pay-per-use) con HPE GreenLake para Private Cloud Enterprise (PCE), es importante destacar que su factura de pago por uso incluirá un mínimo reservado. Esto significa que, incluso si el cliente no utiliza toda la capacidad de la infraestructura de PCE en un mes determinado, aún se le facturará por el mínimo reservado. Esta es una consideración clave que los clientes deben comprender al optar por un modelo de pago por uso.

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