
Which feature should you use?

You need to host an application on a Compute Engine instance in a project shared with other teams. You want to prevent the other teams from accidentally causing downtime on that application.

Which feature should you use?
A . Use a Shielded VM.
B . Use a Preemptible VM.
C . Use a sole-tenant node.
D . Enable deletion protection on the instance.

Answer: D


As part of your workload, there might be certain VM instances that are critical to running your application or services, such as an instance running a SQL server, a server used as a license manager, and so on. These VM instances might need to stay running indefinitely so you need a way to protect these VMs from being deleted. By setting the deletion Protection flag, a VM instance can be protected from accidental deletion. If a user attempts to delete a VM instance for which you have set the deletion Protection flag, the request fails. Only a user that has been granted a role with compute.instances.create permission can reset the flag to allow the resource to be deleted.

Ref: https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/instances/preventing-accidental-vm-deletion

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