Which data integration initiative can help them achieve this?

A data professional would like to combine multiple data sources into a relational database to improve their business efficiency.

Which data integration initiative can help them achieve this?
A . Manually collect the data from various source interfaces, then clean and combine the data into one warehouse.
B . Use a middleware application that acts as a mediator to normalize data and bring it into a master data pool.
C . Create a data warehouse to run queries, reports, and analyses to retrieve data in a consistent format.
D . leverage data lakes to manage complex and massive volumes of structured and unstructured data.

Answer: B


A middleware application is a software that acts as a mediator between different data sources and data consumers. It can normalize data and bring it into a master data pool, which is a centralized repository of consistent and quality data. This can help a data professional to combine multiple data sources into a relational database to improve their business efficiency. A middleware application can also provide data integration services such as data transformation, validation, cleansing, and enrichment.

Reference: What is Data Integration?, What is Middleware?

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