What should you do?

You support an application running on GCP and want to configure SMS notifications to your team for the most critical alerts in Stackdriver Monitoring. You have already identified the alerting policies you want to configure this for.

What should you do?
A . Download and configure a third-party integration between Stackdriver Monitoring and an SMS gateway. Ensure that your team members add their SMS/phone numbers to the external tool.
B . Select the Webhook notifications option for each alerting policy, and configure it to use a third-party integration tool. Ensure that your team members add their SMS/phone numbers to the external tool.
C . Ensure that your team members set their SMS/phone numbers in their Stackdriver Profile. Select the SMS notification option for each alerting policy and then select the appropriate SMS/phone numbers from the list.
D . Configure a Slack notification for each alerting policy. Set up a Slack-to-SMS integration to send SMS messages when Slack messages are received. Ensure that your team members add their SMS/phone numbers to the external integration.

Answer: C



To configure SMS notifications, do the following:

In the SMS section, click Add new and follow the instructions. Click Save. When you set up your alerting policy, select the SMS notification type and choose a verified phone number from the list.

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