What else must be done to get this model ready for solving according to the SysML-Modelica Transformation specification?

Choose the correct answer.

Given the following diagram:

Assume that all stereotypes required by the SysML-Modehca Transformation specification (if any) have been applied but are not necessarily shown here Assume that FixedWall. ViscoelasticSpring. and RigidMass are fully defined in a Modelica library.

What else must be done to get this model ready for solving according to the SysML-Modelica Transformation specification?
A . Provide specific values. Also define a parametric diagram that includes equations for Kirchhoffs Laws consistent with the above ibd.
B. Provide specific values Nothing else is required, as Kirchhoff’s I laws are automatically taken care of consistent with the above ibd
C. Nothing – it is ready as-is
D. Modelica cannot handle this type of nonlinear model

Answer: A


To get this model ready for solving according to the SysML-Modelica Transformation specification, one must provide specific values for the parameters and properties of the blocks, such as resistance, capacitance, voltage, etc. Also, one must define a parametric diagram that includes equations for Kirchhoff’s Laws consistent with the above ibd. A parametric diagram is a SysML diagram that shows constraints and parameters on blocks and their properties. Kirchhoff’s Laws are physical laws that describe how electric currents and voltages behave in a circuit. By defining a parametric diagram with these equations, one can specify how the blocks and connectors in the ibd are related mathematically.

References: https://www.omg.org/ocsmp/ocsmp-adv-exam.htmhttps://www.omg.org/spec/SyM/1.0/About-SyM/

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