
What are some tools you can use to troubleshoot your pixel and make sure it’s collecting your events properly?

You’ve recently installed the Facebook Pixel on a new website. You are not sure if the website is detecting your pixel events correctly.

What are some tools you can use to troubleshoot your pixel and make sure it’s collecting your events properly?

(Select 3 that apply.) Choose ALL answers that apply.
A . You should install the Facebook Pixel Helper chrome extension to verify your pixel event.
B . You can test your events in the "Events Manager" under your Business Manager
C . You should check your campaigns to see if they are showing events.
D . You can track events and debug your pixel through Facebook’s Analytics dashboard
E . You should install a second pixel and make sure it works properly

Answer: A,B,D


There are three main ways in which you can debug your Facebook pixel:

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