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How can this be achieved using Deep Security?
A Deep Security administrator wishes to monitor a Windows SQL Server database and be alerted of any critical events which may occur on that server. How can this be achieved using Deep Security?A . The administrator could install a Deep Security Agent on the server hosting the Win-dows Server 2016...
Which of the following Protection Modules make use of Recommendation scans?
Recommendation scans can detect applications and/or vulnerabilities on servers on the network. Which of the following Protection Modules make use of Recommendation scans?A . Firewall, Application Control, and Integrity Monitoring B. Intrusion Prevention, Firewall, Integrity Monitoring and Log Inspection C. Log Inspection, Application Control, and Intrusion Prevention D. Intrusion Prevention,...
What is the purpose of the Deep Security Relay?
What is the purpose of the Deep Security Relay?A . Deep Security Relays distribute load to the Deep Security Manager nodes in a high-availability implementation. B. Deep Security Relays forward policy details to Deep Security Agents and Virtual Ap-pliances immediately after changes to the policy are applied. C. Deep Security...
Which of the following Firewall rule actions will allow data packets to pass through the Firewall Protection Module without being subjected to analysis by the Intrusion Prevention Protection Module?
Which of the following Firewall rule actions will allow data packets to pass through the Firewall Protection Module without being subjected to analysis by the Intrusion Prevention Protection Module?A . Deny B. Bypass C. Allow D. Force AllowView AnswerAnswer: B
Which of the following statements is true regarding the Intrusion Prevention Protection Module?
Which of the following statements is true regarding the Intrusion Prevention Protection Module?A . The Intrusion Prevention Protection Module blocks or allows traffic based on header information within data packets. B. The Intrusion Prevention Protection Module analyzes the payload within incoming and outgoing data packets to identify content that can...
Which of the following statements is true regarding Deep Security Manager-todatabase com-munication?
Which of the following statements is true regarding Deep Security Manager-todatabase com-munication?A . Deep Security Manager-to-database traffic is not encrypted by default, but can be en-abled by modifying settings in the ssl.properties file. B. Deep Security Manager-to-database traffic is encrypted by default, but can be disabled by modifying settings in...
Which of the following statements is true regarding the use of the Firewall Protection Module in Deep Security?
Which of the following statements is true regarding the use of the Firewall Protection Module in Deep Security?A . The Firewall Protection Module can check files for certain characteristics such as compression and known exploit code. B. The Firewall Protection Module can identify suspicious byte sequences in packets. C. The...
Which Deep Security component is required to satisfy this requirement?
Your organization stores PDF and Microsoft Office files within the SAP Netweaver platform and requires these documents to be scanned for malware. Which Deep Security component is required to satisfy this requirement?A . The Netweaver plug-in must be installed on the Deep Security Agent. B. A Smart Protection Server must...
What is the expected Deep Security Agent behavior in this scenario?
The maximum disk space limit for the Identified Files folder is reached. What is the expected Deep Security Agent behavior in this scenario?A . Any existing files are in the folder are compressed and forwarded to Deep Security Manager to free up disk space. B. Deep Security Agents will delete...
What is the purpose of the Deep Security Notifier?
What is the purpose of the Deep Security Notifier?A . The Deep Security Notifier is a application in the Windows System Tray that displays the Status of Deep Security Manager during policy and software updates. B. The Deep Security Notifier is a server components that collects log entries from man-aged...