Which templates allow you to create ready-to-run Jobs in Talend Studio? Choose 2 answers

Which templates allow you to create ready-to-run Jobs in Talend Studio? Choose 2 answersA . Table to TableB . FileToDatabase.C . TahleToFileD . JobletToFileView AnswerAnswer: B, C Explanation: Option B, FileToDatabase, is a template used for jobs that involve moving or transforming data from files (like CSV, Excel, etc.) into...

February 19, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which tFileinputDelimted component parameters should you configure to parse the input file correctly?

Using the following input file format as an example: Which tFileinputDelimted component parameters should you configure to parse the input file correctly? Choose 3 answersA . LimitB . SchemaC . Field separatorD . FooterE . HeaderView AnswerAnswer: B, C, E Explanation: Using the following input file format as an example:...

February 18, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which data integration initiative can help them achieve this?

A data professional would like to combine multiple data sources into a relational database to improve their business efficiency. Which data integration initiative can help them achieve this?A . Manually collect the data from various source interfaces, then clean and combine the data into one warehouse.B . Use a middleware...

February 17, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which statement is true about the Sync columns button on the Basic settings tab of the Component view? Choose 2 answers

Which statement is true about the Sync columns button on the Basic settings tab of the Component view? Choose 2 answersA . Retrieves and synchronizes the output file schema with the input file schema for tFileOutputed limited.B . Retrieves the schema of the current component to match the Next componentC...

February 17, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

How are contexts defined?

How are contexts defined?A . They are automatically defined by the types of components used in the Job.B . Talend Studio defines a default context, and you can define more as needed.C . You must define the contextsD . In addition to a default context, Talend Studio defines a list...

February 17, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which code should you use in a tJava component to write a nb-line variable?

You need to calculate the total number of rows in an input file using a tMlelnputDelimited component. Which code should you use in a tJava component to write a nb-line variable?A . Int nb_line-(integer) globalMap.put(‘’tFileInputDelimited_1_NB_LINE’’)B . Int nb_line=(integer)globalMap.put(‘’tFileInputDelimited_1_NB_LINE’’)C . Int nb.line-(integer) globalMap.put(‘’tFileInputDelimited_1_NB_LINE’’)D . Int nb_line-(String) globalMap.put(‘’tFileInputDelimited_1_NB_LINE’’)View AnswerAnswer: C Explanation: You...

February 17, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which expression should you use to reference the path?

A Job has two contexts defined: lest (the default) and Prod, and two context variables defined: path and server. Which expression should you use to reference the path?A . context.Tfblpdtr1B . context(path)C . contex,(test.Prod).pathD . context, pathView AnswerAnswer: D Explanation: To reference the value of a context variable you defined,...

February 15, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which section in Talend Studio allows you to graphically connect components in a Job to run a dataflow process?

Which section in Talend Studio allows you to graphically connect components in a Job to run a dataflow process?A . Design workspaceB . Component viewC . RepositoryD . CodeView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation: The design workspace in Talend Studio allows the user to graphically connect components in a Job to run...

February 14, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

What determines the name of the tMap output row that delivers join rejects?

What determines the name of the tMap output row that delivers join rejects?A . The name is predetermined; it is always named Inner join Reject.B . The name is determined by the output table you create to catch the rejects.C . The name is configurable in the Component view of...

February 12, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

How should you configure the tDBInput components?

You built multiple Jobs in Studio, each uses its own tDBInput component to connect to a common database server, but they all use different credentials. How should you configure the tDBInput components?A . Set the Property type to Repository and replace the credential1; in each component.B . Set the Property...

February 12, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +