As Scrum Master, which aspects will Emily need to address in this respect?

Emily has taken on the role of Scrum Master on a new project. Training the team is one of her major responsibilities. As Scrum Master, which aspects will Emily need to address in this respect? A) Gaps in technical knowledge in any of the team members. B) Shortcomings in the...

March 17, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

All of the following statements about Risk Communications are true, EXCEPT:

All of the following statements about Risk Communications are true, EXCEPT:A . The Stakeholders should be continuously informed about risks, including the potential impact of these risks and the plans for responding to each risk.B . The Scrum Team may also discuss specific risks related to their Tasks with the...

March 17, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following are the three dimensions of this principle?

Collaboration is one of the Scrum principles. Which of the following are the three dimensions of this principle?A . Awareness, articulation, and appropriationB . Transparency, precision, and coordinationC . Perfection, cooperation, and comprehensionD . Honesty, responsiveness, and adaptabilityView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation: The core dimensions of collaborative work are as follows:...

March 15, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following are those primary factors?

While assisting the Product Owner in developing a Prioritized Product Backlog, the Scrum Master must consider the primary factors on which the Prioritized Product Backlog is based-on. Which of the following are those primary factors? A) Value B) Dependencies C) Risk D) DeliverablesA . A, В, and СB . AC...

March 13, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

The Scrum Master can help the Product Owner update business justification in the Project Vision statement and ensure continuous value justification for projects by facilitating which of the following processes?

The Scrum Master can help the Product Owner update business justification in the Project Vision statement and ensure continuous value justification for projects by facilitating which of the following processes? A) Conduct Daily Standup B) Groom Prioritized Product Backlog C) Retrospect Project D) Sprint DeliverablesA . B and DB ....

March 12, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

Who among the following can directly approve changes recommended in the project?

Who among the following can directly approve changes recommended in the project?A . Product OwnerB . Scrum Guidance BodyC . Scrum MasterD . Senior ManagementView AnswerAnswer: B Explanation: The Scrum Guidance Body usually defines a process for approving and managing changes throughout the organization. In the absence of a formal...

March 12, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

To enable the Product Owner to successfully deploy the product release as a part of the Ship Deliverables process, the Scrum Master should ensure that:

To enable the Product Owner to successfully deploy the product release as a part of the Ship Deliverables process, the Scrum Master should ensure that:A . The Scrum Team creates Deliverables as agreed uponB . The Release Plan and Prioritized Product Backlog are updatedC . The Scrum Team creates the...

March 12, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

While creating the Sprint Backlog, the Scrum Team along with the Scrum Master and Product Owner must consider which of the following as inputs?

While creating the Sprint Backlog, the Scrum Team along with the Scrum Master and Product Owner must consider which of the following as inputs?A . Length of Sprint, Agreed Actionable Improvements, Done Criteria, Team Calendar.B . Assigned Action Items, Business Improvements, Dependencies, Team Calendar.C . Length of Sprint, Previous Sprint...

March 11, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following characteristics do you NOT need to be?

You are the Scrum Master on a project that is reconstructing the drinking water and sewage system of the city of Bogota. Which of the following characteristics do you NOT need to be? A) Persuasive B) Discerning C) Intuitive D) VisionaryA . A, C, and DB . A and DC...

March 11, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following are the questions answered?

During a Scrum of Scrums Meeting certain questions are answered. Which of the following are the questions answered? A) What has my team been working on since the last meeting? B) What will my team do until the next meeting? C) What were other teams counting on our team to...

March 9, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +