What factor do you need to consider for environment setup?

The BigCo quoting application is currently on-premise. BigCo plans to move the application to Pega Cloud. What factor do you need to consider for environment setup?A . Network security configuration B. Database access configuration C. System management application configuration D. Log file access configurationView AnswerAnswer: D

November 10, 2022No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which reporting feature do you use?

an application to onboard new bank customers create child cases for each account that the customer opens. You need to configure a report definition that lists new customer cases created in a given day and the average opening balance for all account child cases for each customer. Which reporting feature...

November 10, 2022No CommentsREAD MORE +

Using the information shown in the case structure below, which option is always true?

Using the information shown in the case structure below, which option is always true? A . Resolution of the Event Booking case requires the Parking case to be resolved. B. Parking, Weather, and Hotel cases must be instantiated for the Event case to process correctly. C. The Weather case can...

November 10, 2022No CommentsREAD MORE +

An application uses LDP authentication users have role and application attributes, but not access group attributes. select the two tasks required to configure the application to uses LDAP attributes to determine the access group for a user

An application uses LDP authentication users have role and application attributes, but not access group attributes. select the two tasks required to configure the application to uses LDAP attributes to determine the access group for a userA . Create a decision table that evaluate role and application properties that return...

November 10, 2022No CommentsREAD MORE +

Select the recommended option for extending the data model provided by a pega industry framework.

Select the recommended option for extending the data model provided by a pega industry framework.A . Specialize the data model as little as possible. B. Redefine the data model. C. Hide the data model with a custom data model. D. Hide the data model with an Enterprise service Bus (ESB)...

November 9, 2022No CommentsREAD MORE +

What two issues can be identified in the system queue management landing page using the status?

your application queues items for a standard agent a case has not been updated as expected by the agent. on the system queue management landing page the queue status for each item us available. What two issues can be identified in the system queue management landing page using the status?...

November 9, 2022No CommentsREAD MORE +

You add database connection information to prconfig.xml and want to encrypt the password in the connection information how do you encrypt the password?

You add database connection information to prconfig.xml and want to encrypt the password in the connection information how do you encrypt the password?A . create an encrypted keyring password and replace the unencypted password in prconfig.xml B. enter a password in an application ID instance and reference the external system...

November 8, 2022No CommentsREAD MORE +

How do you ensure that the entry shows both the label and the property name?

You are audit a property named. Generic Code. The label on the form is named suggested generic substitute. when the field value changes, you want the history details to show as the name of the label. you also want to record the name of the property How do you ensure...

November 8, 2022No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which three approaches arc considered a PegaUnit: testing best practice? (Choose Three)

Which three approaches arc considered a PegaUnit: testing best practice? (Choose Three)A . A test ruleset is placed at the top of an application's ruleset stack. B. A test case uses limited assertions. C. A test case groups relevant asseitions together. D. A test case is not necessary when an...

November 8, 2022No CommentsREAD MORE +

What is the likely cause of the out of-memory error?

You isolated the problem to node ! of the cluster. Y see node 1 goes down shortly «ift<rr 3:00 P.M. every day with an out-of-memory error. What is the likely cause of the out of-memory error?A . At 3:00 P.M., managers view multiple reports displaying open assignments and cases so...

November 8, 2022No CommentsREAD MORE +