Which of the following is FALSE regarding an organization's anti-fraud policy?

Which of the following is FALSE regarding an organization's anti-fraud policy?A . A detailed anti-fraud policy can make it easier to investigate and punish employees who commit fraud and other dishonest acts. B. To avoid legal problems in discharging employees, the anti-fraud policy should not include any specific examples of...

July 28, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following statements about the fraud risk assessment process Is MOST ACCURATE?

Which of the following statements about the fraud risk assessment process Is MOST ACCURATE?A . The fraud risk assessment can be effectively conducted by people inside or outside of the organization. B. To ensure the independence of the team members, a fraud risk assessment must be conducted by a consultant...

July 27, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

According to the authors of Crimes of the Middle Classes, all of the following factors have contributed to the rising problem of economic crime EXCEPT:

According to the authors of Crimes of the Middle Classes, all of the following factors have contributed to the rising problem of economic crime EXCEPT:A . The continued pressures of a culture that rewards affluence and success B. The economy's increased reliance on credit C. The increased constraints of the...

July 27, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

In response to a risk identified during a fraud risk assessment, management decides to implement additional internal control measures.

In response to a risk identified during a fraud risk assessment, management decides to implement additional internal control measures. This response is known as:A . Assuming the risk B. Mitigating the risk C. Avoiding the risk D. Transferring the riskView AnswerAnswer: B

July 27, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the corporate governance requirements that XYZ is subject to?

XYZ. Inc. is a publicly traded, multi-national corporation. Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the corporate governance requirements that XYZ is subject to?A . XYZ must comply with the various laws and regulations in the countries in which it operates B. XYZ is subject to the Universal Corporate...

July 27, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

Consistently punishing perpetrators can be an effective fraud prevention mechanism

Consistently punishing perpetrators can be an effective fraud prevention mechanismA . True B. FalseView AnswerAnswer: A

July 27, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

Management at ABC Corp. is assessing the company's ethical tone and how it affects the organization's fraud risk. To most effectively reinforce an anti-fraud culture, management should:

Management at ABC Corp. is assessing the company's ethical tone and how it affects the organization's fraud risk. To most effectively reinforce an anti-fraud culture, management should:A . Use a checklist of initiatives to make sure all the elements of a strong tone at the top are in place B....

July 27, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

The availability of suitable targets, absence of capable guardians, and presence of motivated offenders are the three most important elements that influence crime according to which of the following criminological theories?

The availability of suitable targets, absence of capable guardians, and presence of motivated offenders are the three most important elements that influence crime according to which of the following criminological theories?A . Conditioning theory B. Routine activities theory C. Rational choice theory D. Social control theoryView AnswerAnswer: B

July 27, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

An effective system of anti-fraud controls

An effective system of anti-fraud controlsA . Fully eliminates the risk of fraud B. Focuses more on detective controls than preventive controls C. Focuses more on preventive controls than detective controls D. Increases the perception that fraud will be detectedView AnswerAnswer: D

July 27, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

According to behaviorists such as B. F. Skinner, which of the following scenarios is MOST LIKELY to occur when an undesired behavior is punished?

According to behaviorists such as B. F. Skinner, which of the following scenarios is MOST LIKELY to occur when an undesired behavior is punished?A . The behavior will return when punishment ceases B. The behavior will be permanently suppressed C. The behavior will occur more frequently. D. The behavior will...

July 26, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +