In which of the following attacks targeting Proof of Stake does an attacker create a divergent chain and race to make their chain longer than the real chain?

In which of the following attacks targeting Proof of Stake does an attacker create a divergent chain and race to make their chain longer than the real chain?A . Selfish Mining AttackB . Long-Range AttackC . Double-Spend AttackD . 51% AttackView AnswerAnswer: B

January 20, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

Both sidechains and slate channels rely on the original blockchain for security and as a fallback if issues occur.

Both sidechains and slate channels rely on the original blockchain for security and as a fallback if issues occur.A . TrueB . FalseView AnswerAnswer: B

January 19, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

Proof of Work never guarantees that the blockchain network has reached consensus

Proof of Work never guarantees that the blockchain network has reached consensusA . TrueB . FalseView AnswerAnswer: B

January 19, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

Which type of attack misuses Internet protocols to attack the blockchain? Select all that apply.

Which type of attack misuses Internet protocols to attack the blockchain? Select all that apply.A . Denial of ServiceB . EclipseC . SybilD . RoutingView AnswerAnswer: A,B,C

January 17, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

In which blockchain consensus algorithm does a user pay (give up coin forever) to participate in consensus?

In which blockchain consensus algorithm does a user pay (give up coin forever) to participate in consensus?A . Proof of BurnB . Proof of WorkC . Proof of StakeD . Proof of ActivityE . None of the aboveView AnswerAnswer: A

January 17, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

Ring signatures are designed to do which of the following?

Ring signatures are designed to do which of the following?A . Conceal transaction amountB . Conceal transaction recipientC . Conceal shared secretD . Conceal transaction senderView AnswerAnswer: D

January 16, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

If an attacker can find two values that hash to the same output what is it called?

If an attacker can find two values that hash to the same output what is it called?A . MatchB . IntersectionC . CollisionD . CorrelationView AnswerAnswer: C

January 16, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following blockchains has a built-in consensus algorithm?

Which of the following blockchains has a built-in consensus algorithm?A . EthereumB . CordaC . HyperledgerView AnswerAnswer: A

January 16, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

Which smart contract vulnerability allows an attacker to make a profit off a smart contract cryptocurrency exchange like Bancor?

Which smart contract vulnerability allows an attacker to make a profit off a smart contract cryptocurrency exchange like Bancor?A . ArithmeticB . Access ControlC . Race ConditionsD . ReentrancyView AnswerAnswer: C

January 15, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

What is the easiest way to steal cryptocurrency from a user?

What is the easiest way to steal cryptocurrency from a user?A . Private key theftB . Double-spend attackC . Consensus hijackingD . Eclipse attackE . None of the aboveView AnswerAnswer: A

January 15, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +