Which of the following statements will successfully insert data into the table?

The following definition for COL1 is given by this statement: CREATE TABLE… (COL1 BINARY (05)) Which of the following statements will successfully insert data into the table?A . INSERT INTO… (COL1) VALUES(HEX(‘12345’));B . INSERT INTO… (COL1) VALUES(BLOB(‘12345’));C . INSERT INTO… (COL1) VALUES(CHAR(‘12345’));D . INSERT INTO… (COL1) VALUES(BINARY(‘123456’));View AnswerAnswer: C

October 20, 2019 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following expressions returns the digits 12345 for further calculation?

COL1 is defined as CHAR(05) and contains CHAR(‘12345’). Which of the following expressions returns the digits 12345 for further calculation?A . HEX(COL1)B . DEC(COL1)C . PACK(COL1)D . DIGITS(COL1)View AnswerAnswer: B

October 18, 2019 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following can be defined on the basis of a query?

Which of the following can be defined on the basis of a query?A . An aliasB . A base tableC . An accelerator-only tableD . A materialized query tableView AnswerAnswer: D Explanation: Reference: https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/data/library/techarticle/dm-0509melnyk/

October 18, 2019 No Comments READ MORE +

While DSN is running, which of the following commands CANNOT be successfully executed?

While DSN is running, which of the following commands CANNOT be successfully executed?A . CSTOP DB2B . CSTART DB2C . CTERM UTILITYD . CDISPLAY UTILITYView AnswerAnswer: D

October 17, 2019 No Comments READ MORE +

In which address space would a native SQL stored procedure run?

In which address space would a native SQL stored procedure run?A . WLMB . DISTC . DBM1D . The address space of the calling programView AnswerAnswer: C Explanation: Reference: http://www.ibmbigdatahub.com/blog/db2-native-sql-procedures-future-computing

October 15, 2019 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following is TRUE for using LOAD on a partition-by-growth table space?

Which of the following is TRUE for using LOAD on a partition-by-growth table space?A . Data can only be loaded at the partition levelB . Data can only be loaded at the table space levelC . Data can only be loaded using a clustering indexD . Data can be loaded...

October 14, 2019 No Comments READ MORE +

If a scrollable cursor is INSENSITIVE, which of the following applies?

If a scrollable cursor is INSENSITIVE, which of the following applies?A . The cursor is read onlyB . WITH ROWSET POSITIONING is not allowedC . The select-statement must not contain an SQL data change statementD . The cursor has sensitivity to changes that are made to the database after the...

October 14, 2019 No Comments READ MORE +

The maximum size for each partition of a partition-by-range table space, with fewer than 255 partitions, is determined by which combination of options? (Choose two.)

The maximum size for each partition of a partition-by-range table space, with fewer than 255 partitions, is determined by which combination of options? (Choose two.)A . DSSIZEB . PRIQTYC . NUMPARTSD . BUFFERPOOLE . MAXPARTITIONSView AnswerAnswer: AC Explanation: Reference: https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSEPEK_11.0.0/sqlref/src/tpc/ db2z_sql_createtablespace.html

October 14, 2019 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following locking scenarios requires the least amount of real storage in the IRLM address space?

Which of the following locking scenarios requires the least amount of real storage in the IRLM address space?A . 10 row locksB . 200 page locksC . A single table space lockD . 6 partition locks (given a table space with a total of 10 partitions)View AnswerAnswer: C

October 13, 2019 No Comments READ MORE +

Given the following table and index definitions, what type of index will be created?

Given the following table and index definitions, what type of index will be created? A . Non-partitioned indexB . Non-partitioned secondary indexC . Data-partitioned secondary indexD . Data-partitioned partitioning indexView AnswerAnswer: C

October 12, 2019 No Comments READ MORE +