How can they customize the appearance of this message?

An Adobe Commerce developer is creating a new console command to perform a complex task with a lot of potential terminal output. If an error occurs, they want to provide a message that has higher visibility than some of the other content that may be appearing, so they want to...

August 24, 2023No CommentsREAD MORE +

What would the developer do to ensure their observer runs after the observer defined by the third-party module?

An Adobe Commerce developer has installed a module from a third-party vendor. This module fires a custom event named third_party_event_after and also defines an observer named third_party_event_after_observer that listens to that event. The developer wants to listen to this custom event in their own module but wants to execute their...

August 23, 2023No CommentsREAD MORE +

Why is the plugin not executing as expected?

An Adobe Commerce developer has created a before plugin for the save() function within the MagentoFrameworkAppcacheProxy class. The purpose of this plugin is to add a prefix on all cache identifiers that fulfill certain criteria. Why is the plugin not executing as expected?A . Another around plugin defined for the...

August 23, 2023No CommentsREAD MORE +

In order to fix this error, what would be the correct policy ids to add to the csp_whitelist.xml file?

An Adobe Commerce developer has added an iframe and included a JavaScript library from an external domain to the website. After that, they found the following error in the console: Refused to frame [URL] because it violates the Content Security Policy directive. In order to fix this error, what would...

August 22, 2023No CommentsREAD MORE +

What is one reason the extension attributes are missing?

An Adobe Commerce developer was asked to provide additional information on a quote. When getting several quotes, the extension attributes are returned, however, when getting a single quote it fails to be returned. What is one reason the extension attributes are missing?A . The developer neglected to add coiiection="trueM to...

August 21, 2023No CommentsREAD MORE +

How can this be resolved?

An Adobe Commerce developer has been tasked with applying a pricing adjustment to products on the website. The adjustments come from a database table. In this case, catalog price rules do not work. They created a plugin for getPrice on the price model, but the layered navigation is still displaying...

August 21, 2023No CommentsREAD MORE +

How would the developer achieve this using di. xml?

An Adobe Commerce developer is developing a custom module. As part of their implementation they have decided that all instances of their CustomModuleModelExample class should receive a new instance of MagentoFilesystemAdapterLocal. How would the developer achieve this using di. xml? A) B) C) A . Option A B. Option B...

August 21, 2023No CommentsREAD MORE +

What are the minimally required steps to accomplish this?

An Adobe Commerce developer is being tasked with creating a new cron job to run a method that has already been written. What are the minimally required steps to accomplish this?A . Create a crontab.xmi file and a new system configuration in system.xmi for the schedule. B. Create crontab.xmi and...

August 20, 2023No CommentsREAD MORE +

How can this be resolved?

An Adobe Commerce developer has been tasked with applying a pricing adjustment to products on the website. The adjustments come from a database table. In this case, catalog price rules do not work. They created a plugin for getPrice on the price model, but the layered navigation is still displaying...

August 19, 2023No CommentsREAD MORE +

How can this be resolved?

An Adobe Commerce developer has been tasked with applying a pricing adjustment to products on the website. The adjustments come from a database table. In this case, catalog price rules do not work. They created a plugin for getPrice on the price model, but the layered navigation is still displaying...

August 19, 2023No CommentsREAD MORE +