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Keeping simplicity in mind, how do you implement this?
You are working on a Magento module for a merchant that does business in the UK. This module exposes a REST API endpoint for sending text messages to customers. There is an app based on this REST API which allows admin users to stay in touch with the customers. You...
What is the possible way to remove all HTML outputs of the review module, from the frontend and backend?
Suppose you are asked to disable/remove the customer review related functionalities. You can not disable the review module directly because the customer module depends on it. What is the possible way to remove all HTML outputs of the review module, from the frontend and backend?A . Turn-off Review module output...
How do you load the CMS block with the right Staging version?
You are working on a custom page where the content of a CMS block has to be rendered. You know the merchant is using Staging for CMS blocks. In your code you have access to the $repository object which is an instance of MagentoCmsApiBlockRepositoryInterface. $blockld which is the original block...
Suppose in a store there are 500 categories and it's increasing as per the need. Let's say your frontend developer asked you to modify the header and include CSS files on some specific category pages based on the custom category attribute selection from backend.
Suppose in a store there are 500 categories and it's increasing as per the need. Let's say your frontend developer asked you to modify the header and include CSS files on some specific category pages based on the custom category attribute selection from backend. What should be the acceptable and...
Which Magento class is resposible for this?
When you reference a factory or proxy in a class constructor, these classes are generated by default inside generated directory, if they are not present in codebase. Which Magento class is resposible for this?A . ObjectManager B. FileManager C. ClassManager D. IntanceManagerView AnswerAnswer: A
How does Magento store the IDs of updated products for reindex in "Update on Schedule" mode?
You are working on a project where many catalog managers often change products in the admin panel. The merchant is considering changing the indexers mode to "Update on Schedule" from "Update on Save" to achieve better performance. However, the merchant is concerned about data consistency and the probability of the...
What do you do?
You want to run a script each time after all schema installation and schema upgrade scripts have executed, but before data setup scripts execution. What do you do?A . You need to run bin magento module:recurring MyCompanyJlyModule each time after bin magento setup:update B. Create a Recurring, php Script in...
What is the reason for this?
A merchant complains about the related accessory products, which they assigned to the virtual product, not being visible on the store front. What is the reason for this?A . Related products association must be explicitly activated in the admin panel B. Browser cache refresh is required C. Virtual products do...
What two ways are used to assign migrated customers with a female gender to the segment?
A merchant has created a segment that applies to registered customers whose gender is female. You then migrate customers by copying data directly from one database to another. What two ways are used to assign migrated customers with a female gender to the segment?A . They will be automatically assigned...
What will be the effect on the attribute?
You are working on a module MyCompany_MyModule which adds a select attribute with a few options using the MagentoEavSetupEavSetup: :addAttribute() method in data in data install script. There is no uninstall script. While debugging, you have uninstalled the module with the command: bin magento module:uninstall MyCompany_MyModule Then you reinstalled the...