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Where initialized sections Cart and Directory-data are on the server side via the classes?
You are building a new module to add extra functionality to the Magento application.You want to works with CustomerData the data stored on the client side. Where initialized sections Cart and Directory-data are on the server side via the classes?A . MagentoCheckoutCustomerDataCart and MagentoCheckoutCustomerDataDirectoryDataB . MagentoCheckoutApiCart and MagentoCheckoutApiDirectoryDataC . MagentoCheckoutBlockCart...
How do you implement this, keeping simplicity in mind?
You are working on a project that contains a million SKUs. The merchant has requested the product view page to have a custom color schema and page layout depending on the product price range. How do you implement this, keeping simplicity in mind?A . Create a custom block which will...
Where do you define the class that provides options for the select field that enables or disables the provider in the file etc/adminhtml/system.xml?
A Magento industry partner shipping provider has tasked you to build their integration module called MyCompany_ShippingProvider. Where do you define the class that provides options for the select field that enables or disables the provider in the file etc/adminhtml/system.xml?A . <option_model>MagentoConfigModelConfigOptionYesno</option_model>B . <source_model>MagentoConfigModelConfigSourceYesno</source_model>C . <frontend_model>MagentoConfigModelConfigFrontendYesno</frontend_model>D . <backend_model>MagentoConfigModelConfigBackendYesno</backend_model>View AnswerAnswer: B
A customer added both configurables to the cart with the same selected variation?
There are two different configurable products which both share one variation. The shared variation is represented by the same simple product. A customer added both configurables to the cart with the same selected variation? How will they be displayed?A . As two separate line items with quantity 1 eachB ....
What three steps do you take to accomplish this in MyCompany_MyModule?
You need to add the Google Tag Manager (GTM) to every page. What three steps do you take to accomplish this in MyCompany_MyModule?A . Add into view/frontend/layout/default.xml.B . Create view/frontend/layout/default.xml.C . Create view/frontend/templates/script.phtml and add GTM code.D . Run bin/magento create:module:template script.phtmlE . Copy vendor/module-catalog/view/template/script.phtml to view/template/script.phtml and add GTM...
What table does Magento on the frontend to locate the relationship between a category and its products?
You are trying to determine why a product is not appearing in a category. What table does Magento on the frontend to locate the relationship between a category and its products?A . catalog_category_productB . catalog_product_parentC . catalog_category_product_indexD . catalog_category_product_relationshipView AnswerAnswer: A
What is this folder's purpose?
As you are scanning folder in the vendor/module-catalog directory, you see a directory that is named Ui. What is this folder's purpose?A . It contains UI component data providers and component information.B . It contains templates, CSS and JS pertinent to the module.C . It contains the block PHP files...
In which file do you declare the observer?
A module MyModule needs to send notifications to customers only when the account was modified from a mobile app using the REST web APIs. You decided to implement an observer for customer_save_after_data_object event. In which file do you declare the observer?A . etc/webapi_rest/events.xmlB . etc/adminhtml/events.xmlC . etc/webapi/rest_events.xmlD . etc/events.xmlView AnswerAnswer:...
How do you do that using the admin interface?
A merchant tasks you to keep sales managers out of the system configuration backend pages. How do you do that using the admin interface?A . You remove access to the restricted pages from each user’s ACL settingsB . You create a role with limited permissions and assign all sales manager...
What is a consequence of this setup?
A third-party module uses a layout update that changes the template path for a core block from product/view/addto/compare.phtml of the Magento_Catalog module to custom/view/addto/compare.phtml of your custom module. The merchant has a customized version of this template in their custom theme. What is a consequence of this setup?A . If...