What is the value of the CITY variable?

The following SAS program is submitted: data work.flights; destination = ‘cph’; select(destination); when(’LHR’) city = ‘London’; when(’CPH’) city = ‘Copenhagen’; otherwise city = ‘Other’; end; run; What is the value of the CITY variable?A . OtherB . CopenhC . CopenhagenD . ‘‘(missing character value)View AnswerAnswer: A

September 20, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

How many observations are written to the WORK.SALES data set?

The following SAS program is submitted: How many observations are written to the WORK.SALES data set?A . 0B . 1C . 5D . 60View AnswerAnswer: B

September 19, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

How many observations will be displayed?

Given the following code: proc print data=SASHELP.CLASS(firstobs=5 obs=15); where Sex='M'; run; How many observations will be displayed?A . 11B . 15C . 10 or fewerD . 11 or fewerView AnswerAnswer: D

September 19, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

The following code was modified to generate the results further below:

The following code was modified to generate the results further below: proc format; value agegrp low-12 ='Pre-Teen' 13-high = 'Teen'; run; proc means data=SASHELP.CLASS; var Height; class Sex Age; format Age agegrp.; run; The following results were generated to display only specific statistics and limit the decimals with the modification:...

September 19, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

How many observations are written the WORK SALES data set?

The following SAS program is submittad: data work.sales; do year = 1 to 5; do month=1 to 12; x+1; output end; end; run; How many observations are written the WORK SALES data set?A . 0B . 1C . 5D . 60View AnswerAnswer: D

September 19, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

What output is generated?

The following SAS program is submitted: data one; date = ‘04juI2005’d; format date weekdate.; run; proc print data = one; run; What output is generated?A . Obs date 1 Monday, July 4, 2005B . Obs date 1 July4, 2005C . Obs date 1 04Jul2005D . Obs date 1 Monday, 07/04/2005View...

September 19, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

How many observations are in data set WORK.ALL after submitting the program?

Given the SAS data set WORK.EMP_NAME: Given the SAS data set WORK.EMP_DEPT: The following program is submitted: How many observations are in data set WORK.ALL after submitting the program?A . 1B . 2C . 3D . 5View AnswerAnswer: B

September 19, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

What describes the SAS automatic _ERROR_ variable?

What describes the SAS automatic _ERROR_ variable?A . The _ERROR_ variable contains the values ‘TRUE’ or ‘FALSE.’ B. The _ERROR variable maintains a count of the number of data errors. C. The _ERROR_ variable can be used in expressions or calculations in the DATA step. D. The ERROR_variable contains the...

October 6, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

What is written to the output raw data file?

Given the SAS data set PEPM.STUDENTS: PERM.STUDENTS NAME AGE Alfred 14 Alice13 Barbara13 Carol14 The following SAS program is submitted: libname perm ‘SAS data library’; data students; set perm. Students; file ‘file specification’; put name $15. @5 age 2.; run; What is written to the output raw data file?A ....

October 6, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

What changes should be made to the KEEP statement to correct the errors in the LOG?

After a SAS program is submitted, the following is written to the SAS log: 105 data january; 106 set allmonths(keep = product month num_sold cost); 107 if month = ‘Jan’ then output january; 108 sales = cost * num_sold; 109 keep = product sales; ------ 22 ERROR 22-322: Syntax error,...

October 6, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +