What describes the SAS automatic _ERROR_ variable?

What describes the SAS automatic _ERROR_ variable?A . The _ERROR_ variable contains the values ‘TRUE’ or ‘FALSE.’ B. The _ERROR variable maintains a count of the number of data errors. C. The _ERROR_ variable can be used in expressions or calculations in the DATA step. D. The ERROR_variable contains the...

October 6, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

What is written to the output raw data file?

Given the SAS data set PEPM.STUDENTS: PERM.STUDENTS NAME AGE Alfred 14 Alice13 Barbara13 Carol14 The following SAS program is submitted: libname perm ‘SAS data library’; data students; set perm. Students; file ‘file specification’; put name $15. @5 age 2.; run; What is written to the output raw data file?A ....

October 6, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

What changes should be made to the KEEP statement to correct the errors in the LOG?

After a SAS program is submitted, the following is written to the SAS log: 105 data january; 106 set allmonths(keep = product month num_sold cost); 107 if month = ‘Jan’ then output january; 108 sales = cost * num_sold; 109 keep = product sales; ------ 22 ERROR 22-322: Syntax error,...

October 6, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

What is the result?

The following SAS program is submitted: data work.total; set work.salary(keep = department wagerate); by department; if first.department then payroll = 0; payroll + wagerate; if last.department run; The SAS data set WORK.SALARY, currently ordered by DEPARTMENT, contains 100 observations for each of 5 departments. What is the result?A . The...

October 6, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following is true concerning the submitted program?

The following program is submitted: proc sort data=SASUSER.PROJECTS out=PSORT; by Code descending Date Cost; run; Which of the following is true concerning the submitted program?A . The descending option applies to the variable Code. B. The variable Code is sorted by ascending order. C. The PSORT data set is stored...

October 6, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

Which TABLES statement was used to completed the following program that produced the output?

The following output is created by the FREQUENCY procedure: Which TABLES statement was used to completed the following program that produced the output? proc freq data=sales; <_insert_code_> run;A . tables region product; B. tables region,product C. tables region/product; D. tables region*product;View AnswerAnswer: D

October 6, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

What is the value of the TOTALPASSENGERS variable in the output data set?

The following SAS program is submitted: data work.passengers; if OrigPassengers = . then' OrigPassengers = 100; TransPassengers = 100; OrigPassengers = .; TotalPassengers = sum (OrigPassengers, TransPassengers) +0; run; What is the value of the TOTALPASSENGERS variable in the output data set?A . 0 B. 100 C. 200 D. (missing...

October 5, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

How many observations are written to the WORK.SALES data set?

The following SAS program is submitted: How many observations are written to the WORK.SALES data set?A . 0 B. 1 C. 5 D. 60View AnswerAnswer: B

October 5, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

How many observations are in data set WORK.ALL after submitting the program?

Given the SAS data set WORK.EMP_NAME: Given the SAS data set WORK.EMP_DEPT: The following program is submitted: How many observations are in data set WORK.ALL after submitting the program?A . 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 5View AnswerAnswer: B

October 5, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

Which ODS statements inserted, respectively, in the two location above creates a report stored in an html file?

The following SAS program is submitted: <_insert_ods_code_> proc means data=SASUSER.SHOES; where Product in ('Sandal' , 'Slipper' , 'Boot'); run; <_insert_ods_code_> Which ODS statements inserted, respectively, in the two location above creates a report stored in an html file?A . ods html open='sales.html';ods html close; B. ods file='sales.html' / html;ods file...

October 5, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +